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BKM joins the Berlin Group

In December BKM, the Interbank Card Center of 28 banks and financial institutions in Turkey, has confirmed its active participation in the work of the Berlin Group. BKM participates already since September 2006 in the meetings of the Berlin Group.

BKM was established in 1990 with the partnership of 13 public and private Turkish banks for the purpose to provide solutions to common problems and to further develop the rules and standards of credit and debit cards in Turkey, within the card payment system. With strong infrastructure and personnel, BKM is unique in its field and provides outstanding services to its members.

The interbank clearing of card transactions is carried out within BKM's structure through the domestic clearing and settlement of debit and credit card transactions. The main activities of BKM are: carrying out the authorization operation between the banks, developing the procedures applicable to the banks in the credit card and debit card sector, forming the domestic rules and regulations, making efforts in relation to provision of standardization and taking the relevant decisions, establishing relations with the international organizations and commissions and representing the members in these organizations when necessary and executing the ongoing bank operations from a single central operation site in a more secure, fast and cost-effective manner.

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