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PRESS RELEASE - nexo standards and the Berlin Group team up to support digital euro standards
Today, the Berlin Group announces a collaboration with nexo standards to align their standards as a support to the European Central Bank...
PRESS RELEASE - Berlin Group is offering support to new European payment schemes
The European market is facing a multitude of payment methods that all share comparable functionality, but with different customer...
KIBS AD from Macedonia joins the Berlin Group
KIBS AD from Macedonia has decided to officially join the Berlin Group as a participant. The core activities of KIBS AD (Clearing...
Berlin Group publishes Version 1.2 of the NextGenMobileP2P Framework
The Berlin Group has published Version 1.2 of the NextGenMobileP2P Framework. The Version 1.2 integrates Change Requests submitted by the...
PRESS RELEASE - Berlin Group starts new openFinance API Framework
Today, the Berlin Group announces that they will start to work on a full openFinance API (Application Programming Interface) Framework....
The Dutch Payments Association joins the Berlin Group
The Dutch Payments Association has decided to officially join the Berlin Group as a participant. Berlin Group is very pleased with the...
Berlin Group publishes Version 1.1 of the NextGenMobileP2P Framework
The Berlin Group has published Version 1.1 of the NextGenMobileP2P Framework. The Version 1.1 integrates Change Requests submitted by EPC...
Russian National Payments Card System (NSPK) joins the Berlin Group
The Russian National Payments Card System (NSPK) has decided to join the Berlin Group. NSPK is a third party processor for such payment...
Bankart joins the Berlin Group
Bankart is the leading payments company in Slovenia. It was founded in 1997 and it provides ATM, POS, card, online, mobile and SEPA...
J.P. Morgan joins the Berlin Group
J.P. Morgan continues to build momentum in the Open Banking payments space in Europe by joining the Berlin Group. Sungmahn Seo, Managing...
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